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To support Broad Bay Sailing Association, the 2024 Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup, and Sail Nauticus Academy, please use the online form or the printable form below:

Contribute Online                    LWMCCC Home

Check out this year's upgrade incentive program:  Sponsorship Incentive Program (available until April 30, 2025)


Sponsorship Level 2025  Amount  Benefits
Fleet Commander   $2500

Full-page color ad in the race yearbook.  Recognition in the yearbook, advertising, sponsor banners, and BBSA and LWMCCC website.  Four tickets/invitations to all LWMCCC social events. All-cash sponsors get a boat slip at a marina in Cape Charles for Sat. night.  
The sponsors with the largest contribution in this category will earn their logo on LWMCCC hats or skipper's bag.  Top contributor gets first choice.  

Admiral  $1000

Full-page color ad in the race yearbook.  Recognition in the yearbook, advertising, sponsor banners, and BBSA and LWMCCC website.  Two tickets/invitations to all LWMCCC social events.  All-cash sponsors get a boat slip in Cape Charles for Sat. night.  

Captain    $500 Half-page color ad in the race yearbook. Recognition in the yearbook, advertising, sponsor banners, and BBSA and LWMCCC website.  Two tickets/invitations to all LWMCCC Social Events.
Commander    $250

Half-page black and white ad in the race yearbook. Recognition in the yearbook, advertising, sponsor banners, and BBSA and LWMCCC website. 

Lieutenant    $100 Your sponsorship will be listed in yearbook, sponsor banners, and BBSA and LWMCCC website.

Ensign      $50 Your sponsorship will be listed in yearbook, and BBSA and LWMCCC website.

Send ad images to no later than July 28 to be included in yearbook.

Recommended Ad Image Sizes:  Full page (7.5 x 10), Half page (7.5 x 4.75)               Image types: JPEG, PNG, or PDF

2024 Sponsors:

"Broad Bay Sailing Association" is a non-profit organization. Virginia Beach, VA 23454

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