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BBSA Burgee


Training Document Links

During our training sessions, presenters may use and share documents, slide shows, and other material from their session.  You can find recent training materials below. Also, if you are a racer, be sure to check out Ed (Red) Baron's racing rules cheat sheets:  Racing Rules

2024 Training Session:  Cruising Destinations in the Southern Bay

A joint session between BBSA and Norfolk Yacht and Country Club on 10/22/2024 at NYCC.

  • Presentations by Tim Dull
  • Presentation by Eric Brinsfield about cruising to Fleets Bay:  BrinsfieldFleetsBay.pdf
  • Other presenters included:  Rick Sanford, Preston Carraway, and Troy Hodgdon

Sailwave Hands-on Workshop - Session 1 - Led by Eric Brinsfield

Led by Eric Brinsfield

"One Day Away" Cruising Destinations for the Lower Chesapeake Bay

Session and training document provided by Tim Dull:  ONE DAY AWAY 2012.doc

2021 Training Session 04:  Ten Mistakes Sailors Make

March 10, 2021
Austin Powers of North Sails Chesapeake shared his observations on the top 10 mistakes racers (and sailors) make while sailing.  Presenting over Zoom, the topic was interesting to both racers and cruisers, because you always want to get there faster.  

Zoom recording

2021 Training Session 01:  Racing Safety and Other Racing Topics

For the first training session of 2021, Larry Baun, BBSA's racing captain, led discussions of the following topics: 

  • Overview of training plans for 2021 winter/spring (Baun)
  • US Sailing Safety Equipment Requirements (SER) for Coastal racing (Baun)
  • Racing for Beginners - (Brazzi)
  • PHRF vs VPP/ORA rating overview (Goodman)

Video recording link:  Session 01

Safety Presentation

Monohull SER Sheet 

 Monohull SER PDF 
 Multihull SER Sheet 
 Multihull SER PDF

 Intro to Racing Slides 

Anchoring Techniques

In January 2019, Eric Brinsfield gave a training session on Anchoring Tips and Techniques for Racers and Cruises.  The session was hosted at the Deadline Brewing Project in Virginia Beach.  This presentation starts with the basics and offers some personal techniques for setting the anchor securely.  In addition, Eric discussed his approach to anchoring as a race committee boat and setting the starting line. 

Anchoring Presentation

Update 1/13/2022:  This is a really good but simple video about anchoring by Nautilus.  Nautilus YouTube Video

The story of Meridian X,

which the lost a member of their crew overboard in Lake Michigan.  This is a must watch video produced by the USCG and a reminder to carry the appropriate safety gear.  YouTube

Preparing for an Offshore Race

Presentation by Keith Midgette talking about the preparation of his boat for safe offshore racing.  


Raymarine Training Links:

"Broad Bay Sailing Association" is a non-profit organization. Virginia Beach, VA 23454

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