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Little Creek Racers

Racing Documents

Spring and Summer Series


Training and Help Documents

To find training materials, slides, and videos from BBSA training go to:  Training

Little Creek Race Course

General Location of LCR Races (red circle)

Details of the Race Course

 "K" is Little Creek #2 (red) and"L" is Little Creek #1 (green). "J" is a privately maintained yellow float (cylinder) at the location shown below.  If J is missing, the mark will be replaced with a red/orange bouy.  J shown to the right.  

Do not set up the course with the start or finish line in or to the east of Little Creek Channel.  The Coast Guard has asked us to avoid sitting in the area. See red zone below.  


"Broad Bay Sailing Association" is a non-profit organization. Virginia Beach, VA 23454

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