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broad bay sailing association


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Photos of 2025 BBSA Events

Photos of 2024 BBSA Events

Gallery Link Description Photographer 
 BBSA 2024 Annual Banquet Photos from the BBSA's 2024 Annual Banquet at the
 Norfolk Yacht and Country club
 Eric Brinsfield
 BBSA Training:  Tides and Currents  
 BBSA Training:  Sail Trim Sail trim training by Jerry Latell of Evolution Sails Eric Brinsfield
 2024 Cruise Planning meeting Annual joint meeting of BBSA and HYC Cruisers to plan the year.   Eric Brinsfield
 2024 LCR Kickoff The 2024 LCR Kickoff and 2023 Awards Ceremony Eric Brinsfield
 Willoughby Spring Series Race 1 First race of Willoughby Racers Spring Series Charlene Whateley
 ODU One Design Support Serving food to one design racers on 4/6/2024

 Debbie Koelliker

 LCR Series 1 Race 2 Start Start of LCR race on 4/10/2024 Rick Carroll
 LCR Series 1 Race 2 Finish of LCR race on 4/10/2024  Rick Carroll
 BBSA Sock Burning Hosted at Cindy Lee Hall's, the annual sock burning was held on 4/27/2024 Debbie Koelliker
 Yorktown Pirate Invasion Cruise Cruise to Yorktown's Riverwalk Landing for Pirate Invasion Festival  Eric Brinsfield
 Provisioning Panel Discussion Joint cruising training session at NYCC with BBSA and HYC - 4/30/2024 Jerry Pattenaude
 Little Creek Racers 5/8/2024 Photos from LCR Series 2 Race 1 with RC Creek Water (on Facebook) Brooke Ambrose
 Memorial Weekend Cruise Photos from the BBSA/HYC Memorial Weekend Cruise Many
 Broad Bay Regatta The 2024 Broad Bay Regatta and Wolcott Memorial Regatta at NYCC Stephanie DeMarco
 LWM Cape Charles Cup

 A consolidated gallery of photos from all events at the Leo Wardup Memorial
 Cape Charles Cup

 Donna DeSteph, 

 Anne Tomko Baron,
 Eric Brinsfield

 LCR Oktoberfest Race 2 Photos taken by Jennifer Williams during Race 2 of the LCR Oktoberfest Series Jennifer Williams
 BBSA Championship 2024 BBSA Championship for the Bold Mariner Cup Donna DeSteph &
 Eric Brinsfield
 BBSA Championship Awards 2024 Bold Mariner Cup Awards at Bold Mariner Eric Brinsfield
 Hot Buttered Rum Race 2024 Willoughby Racers' Hot Buttered Rum Race (link to Facebook)  George Herrnandez
 LCR Veterans Day Race 2024 BBSA-LCR Veterans Day Race Eric Brinsfield
 BBSA Friendsgiving 2024 November Meeting, Elections and Friendsgiving Gift Exchange Eric Brinsfield
 Grand Illumination Cruise  2024 Grand Illumination Cruise to Waterside in Norfolk Jerry Pattenaude and
Jonathan Romero

Photos of 2023 BBSA Events

 Gallery Link  Description  Photographer
 BBSA Annual Banquet  Photos from the BBSA Annual Banquet (on Facebook)  Jim DiSomma
 LCSA Kick-off Party  2023 LCSA Awards and Kick-off Party
 May Membership Meeting  May meeting and Cape Henry Cup Awards at Bold Mariner  Eric Brinsfield
 Willoughby Racers Willoughby Racers 7/6/2023 (on Facebook) Charlene Whatley
 SBRW 2023  Southern Bay Race Week  Stephanie DeMarco
 LCSA 20230816  LCSA Wednesday Night 8/16/2023 (on Facebook)  Anne Tomko Baron
 LWM CCC Competitor Boats  Boats competing in the Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup  Many
 LWM CCC Skippers' Meeting  Photos from the Cape Charles Cup Skippers' Meeting in East Beach  Eric Brinsfield
 LWM CCC Photos Cruising Cape Charles Cup race start photos for Cruising and ORC  Anne Tomko Baron
 LWM CCC Photos of PHRF  Cape Charles Cup race photos from PHRF starts and all finishes  Donna DeSteph
 LWM CCC Race Photos   Cape Charles Cup race photos by mobile photo boat  Stephanie DeMarco
 Willoughby Racers  Race photos from Willoughby Racers on 9/14/2023 (on Facebook) George Hernandez
 LCSA Oktoberfest  LCSA Wednesday Race 10/11/2023  Anne Tomko Baron
 BBSA Championship  LCSA - Willoughby Competition for the Bold Mariner Cup  Anne Tomko Baron
 BBSA October Member Meeting October Member Potluck and Bold Mariner Cup awards Eric Brinsfield
 BBSA October Cruisers Meeting October Cruiser's Potluck at Rebel Marina Eric Brinsfield
 LCSA Oktoberfest Race 5 Last Wednesday night race of the season for LCSA Eric Brinsfield

Photos of 2022 BBSA Events

 Gallery Link  Description  Photographer
 2022 Annual Banquet  Annual membership banquet  Eric Brinsfield
 Cruise Planning Meeting  Cruise planning meeting at HYC  Eric Brinsfield
 Training Session 03:  RRS Trivia Night  Racing Rules of Sailing Quiz Night  Eric Brinsfield
 LCSA Series 1 Race 1  LCSA Wednesday night race  Stephanie DeMarco and Eric Brinsfield
 BBSA Cape Henry Cup  Cape Henry Cup  Stephanie DeMarco
 LCSA Series 1 Race 5  LCSA Wednesday night race  Eric Brinsfield
 Memorial Weekend Cruise  Cruise to East River for Memorial Day  Eric Brinsfield
 Broad Bay and Wolcott Regattas  One-design Races  Debbie Koellicker
 Summer Sailstice Cruise  Progressive Dinner Cruise  
 Independence Day Cruise  4th of July Cruise to Cape Charles  
 LWMCCC Yearbook Boat Photos  Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup  Many contributors
 LWMCCC Race Committee  Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup  Eric Brinsfield
 LWMCCC Skippers Meeting  Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup  Eric Brinsfield
 LWMCCC Day 1:  East Start and Finish  Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup  Eric Brinsfield
 LWMCCC Day 1:  West Start  Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup  Donna DeSteph
 LWMCCC Saturday Evening Events  Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup  Eric Brinsfield 
 LWMCCC Mark Boat Photos  Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup  Stephanie DeMarco
 LWMCCC Day 2:  Start and Finish  Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup  Donna DeSteph
 LWMCCC Awards  Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup  Eric Brinsfield
 Willoughby Hot Buttered Rum Race    Stacie Remington
 BBSA Friendsgiving    Jordan Heatherton

Photos of 2021 BBSA Events

 Gallery Link  Description  Photographer
 LCSA Race 4/7/2021  LCSA Series 1 Race 1   Eric Brinsfield
 LCSA Race 5/12/2021  LCSA Series 2 Race 1  Multiple contributors
 BBSA Cape Henry Cup  2021 BBSA Cape Henry Cup - participant submitted  Multiple contributors
 BBSA Cape Henry Cup  2021 BBSA Cape Henry Cup   Stephanie DeMarco
 Willoughby Race  Willoughby Racers 5/27/2021  George Hernandez
 Memorial Weekend Cruise  Cruise to East River off Mobjack Bay - rainy but fun  Eric Brinsfield
 Willoughby Race  Willoughby Racers 7/15/2021  George Hernandez
 LCSA Race 7/28/2021  LCSA Series 4 Race 2  Stephanie DeMacro
 Willoughby Race  Willoughby Racers 7/29/2021   George Henandez
 LWMCCC Skippers' Meeting  Skippers' Meeting for the Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup  Eric Brinsfield
 LWMCCC Race Saturday  Race photos from LWMCCC Saturday race; mostly PHRF racers  Stephanie DeMarco
 LWMCCC Race Saturday  Race photos from LWMCCC Saturday race; mostly cruising and CRCA  Eric Brinsfield
 LWMCCC Sat Night Event  Dinner, awards, and party at Cape Charles on Saturday night  Eric Brinsfield
 BBSA Championship  Competition between LCSA and Willoughby for Bold Mariner Cup  
 Neptune Regatta  Neptune Atlantic Regatta  Stephanie DeMarco
 October Membership Meeting  Members gathered at Nauticus for a pot-luck and meeting  Eric Brinsfield
 LCSA Veterans Race  Veterans appreciation race by LCSA  Eric Brinsfield
 November Friendsgiving  November Membership meeting and Friendsgiving Gift Exchange  Eric Brinsfield
 Grand Illumination Cruise  Joint BBSA-HYC cruise to Waterside for the Grand Illumination  Multiple contributors

Photos of 2020 BBSA Events

 Gallery Link  Description  Photographer
 Annual Banquet  BBSA Annual Banquet at the Cavelier Yacht and Country Club.   Charity Gavaza
 Trim-to-Win Training  Trim-to-Win Training at Nauticus.     Stephanie DeMarco
 Feb Membership Meeting  BBSA Membership meeting in February at Striper's  Stephanie DeMarco
 2020 Cruise Planning  BBSA Cruise Planning Meeting at Hampton Yacht Club  Charity Gavaza
 LCSA Race 6/17/2020  LCSA Series 1 Race 1.   Eric Brinsfield
 Broad Bay Regatta  Annual Broad Bay Regatta  Jerry Pattenaude
 LCSA Race 7/15/2020  LCSA Series 1 Race 5.    Claude Speed
 LCSA Race 7/29/2020  LCSA Series 2 Race 2.    Donna DeSteph
 Willoughby 7/29/2020  Willoughby Racers Fall Series Race 2.  Photos by   Stephanie DeMarco
 CCC Bag Stuffing  Stuffing skipper bags for the Cape Charles Cup.    Eric Brinsfield
 CCC Competitor Boats  Yearbook photos from the Cape Charles Cup.    Multiple
 CCC Skippers' Meeting  Cape Charles Cup Skippers' Meeting.    Eric Brinsfield
 CCC Sunday West Start  Photos from the start area for cruising, CRCA, and multihull.    Donna DeSteph
 CCC Sunday East Start  Photos from the start of PHRF fleets, plus finish line.    Charity Gavaza
 BBSA Championship  2020 BBSA Championship for the Bold Mariner Cup  Stephanie DeMarco
 LCSA Race 8/26/2020  LCSA Series 3 Race 1  Stephanie DeMarco
 Willoughby Fall Race 6  Willoughby Racers Fall Series Race 6  Stephanie DeMarco
 LCSA Series 3 Race 3  LCSA Series 3 Race 3   Tim Dollowitch
 CCC Awards Party  Cape Charles Cup Award Party  Stephanie DeMarco
 LCSA Series 3 Race 5  LCSA Series 3 Race 5  Stephanie DeMacro
 2020 Atlantic Regatta  Photos from the BBSA 2020 Atlantic Regatta  Stephanie DeMacro
 LCSA Series 4 Race 1  Photos from LCSA Series 4 Race 1 on 9/30/2020  Eric Brinsfield
 LCSA Race 10/28/2020  lCSA Series 4 Race 5  Bill Judge
 Hot Buttered Rum Race  Willoughby's Annual Hot Buttered Rum Race  

Photos of 2019 BBSA Events

 Gallery Link  Description  Photographer
Annual Banquet Photos from the BBSA Annual Banquet at the Cavelier Yacht and Country Club.   Eric Brinsfield
Cruising Kick-off Party Cruisers gathered in February to  plan some of the next big cruises.   Eric Brinsfield
Racing Rules of Sailing Training John McCarthy led an excellent training session on the Racing Rules of Sailing.   Eric Brinsfield
February Membership Meeting The monthly BBSA membership meeting was held at the Grain in the Norfolk Hilton.   Eric Brinsfield
LCSA Kick-off Party and Awards Little Creek Sailing Association met at the Fleet Captain's home to get in the spirit for the upcoming season and to receive awards from 2018 Eric Brinsfield
March Membership Meeting The monthly BBSA membership meeting was held at Anchor Allie's, one of the sponsors for the BBSA Championship.  We demostrated the new website prior to the roll-out.   Eric Brinsfield
Annual Sock Burning  The annual ritual of burning the socks was hosted by Cindy Lee Hall.   Eric Brinsfield
LCSA Race April 4  First race of the season for Little Creek Sailing Association Eric Brinsfield
Cruise to Yorktown  First cruise of the season to Yorktown's Riverwalk Landing and the Pirate Invasion Eric Brinsfield
Marine Yard Sale  BBSA sponsored a boater's yard sale at Bold Mariner Brewery.   Eric Brinsfield
Cruise to Waterside  Jim and Bev Borberg kicked off the cruising season with their annual cruise to Waterside in downtown Norfolk Eric Brinsfield
Cape Henry Cup The BBSA's Annual Cape Henry Cup Stephanie DeMarco
Cape Henry Cup Awards We handed out Cape Henry Cup awards to the winners at our monthly membership meeting in May, which was held at the Old Dominion University Sailing Center. Eric Brinsfield
Memorial Day Weekend Cruise For Memorial weekend, we sailed up to Mobjack Bay and anchored in East River.   Eric Brinsfield
Norfolk Harborfest Cruise  Parade of Sail and cruise to downtown Norfolk for Harborfest.   John Scott
Summer Sailstice Cruise For Summer Sailstice, we gathered in Deltaville for a progressive dinner in Jackson Creek and the next day for a wine tasting.  On Saturday, we sailed up to Fleets Bay for a wine tasting and dinner at "Pirates Beach".   Eric Brinsfield
BBSA Championship BBSA Championship for the Bold Mariner Cup pitting the Little Creek Sailing Association against the Willoughby Racers.   Stehanie DeMarco
Broad Bay Regatta One Design Racing Jerry Pattenaude
Sooper Looper
Cruise to North Carolina Jean Pattendaude
Summer Cruise II Anchoring cruise up the Chesapeake Bay Eric Brinsfield
Summer Cruise III Marina cruise up the Chesapeake Bay Eric Brinsfield
Hobie Family Fun Day 4th of July celebration with the Hobie Fleet  
Brock Tour and Dinner at Taste  We took a tour of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's Brock Environmental Center in Virginia Beach, then gathered at Taste on Shore Drive for dinner and a concert on the lawn.   Eric Brinsfield
Cape Charles Cup 2019 

 Photos from the 2019 Leo Wardrup Cap Charles Cup
 Photos by Eric Brinsfield

Eric Brinsfield
 LCSA Final Race 2019  A collection of photos from the final race of LCSA season on Sept. 25  (Series 5 Race 5). Eric Brinsfield
Neptune Regatta
 Race photos from Neptune's Atlantic Regatta in 2019 Eric Brinsfield

Personal Photo Libraries

Several members maintain personal photo libraries that they make available to members.  For example, you can access many of our past photos at BBSA SmugMug site .    At this site, you will find a folder for each year (2016 -2019).  Under each folder, we have created a gallery for each event or collections of events. 

If you have a photo library that you would like to share with the group, please contact the webmaster.  We can add a link to your photo albums here.  


We upload photos to Facebook as well.  You can upload photos to the BBSA Facebook page by just putting them directly in the photos page or you can create an Album.  If members have uploaded photos into a Broad Bay Sailing Facebook Album, you can find those by going to the Broad Bay Sailing Facebook group.  In that page, you can click on Photos and then the Albums tab.   Albums are nice because they group photos together by topic or event and make finding them easier. 

"Broad Bay Sailing Association" is a non-profit organization. Virginia Beach, VA 23454

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