BBSA is a sailing club located in the southern Chesapeake Bay. We sponsor sailing races and cruises for experienced and novice sailors. We are bound together by a love of the sport and the desire to share it with our fellow sailors.
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| Becoming a member of BBSABBSA is always open to new members who have an interest in sailing. Learn about us, membership, and our history. Monthly membership meetings are usually the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Questions? See our Contacts page. BBSA PhotosMany of our members take photos of our events throughout the year, but share them on personal (external) photo sites. You can find some of those sites on our Photo Library page. To visit the Photo Library page, go to: Photos |
BBSA Racing and CruisingWe have two sub-groups that race each week in multiple series throughout the summer (Little Creek Racers and Willoughby Racers). Once a year, these two groups compete for the Bold Mariner Cup trophy in the BBSA Championship. BBSA also sponsors several Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association (CBYRA) sanctioned regattas. We offer three distance races each year that are open to all competitors (Cape Henry Cup, the Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup, and the Neptune's Atlantic Regatta). Read more about Racing Check out our Cruising page for information about cruising with BBSA and our schedule of cruises. | Announcements
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