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BBSA Burgee

Broad Bay Sailing Association

Serving the sailors of the Chesapeake Bay 

Membership Benefits

Membership in BBSA comes with many benefits including camaraderie with like-minded sailors. We have cruising and racing contingents, with the same people often both cruising and racing. Learn who we are on our About BBSA page or where we came from on our History and Waypoints pages, then Join us to celebrate our love of sailing. Check out our Events calendar to see what's coming up for the year.  Discover your options for learning to sail and getting your own boat, if that is your dream.

Some of the club benefits include

  • a dedicated group of volunteers who cheerfully welcome new members, lead cruises, plan and execute races, and are the heartbeat of the club
  • attendance at members-only events
  • discounted prices for racing and training events
  • a monthly newsletter to remind the membership of upcoming activities, welcome new members, and acknowledge member accomplishments
  • monthly meetings to gather and socialize, usually including a speaker or a brief training session
  • support for the growth and development of the sport of Corinthian sailing, including a close relationship with Sail Nauticus
  • round-the-buoys races on Wednesday and Thursday evenings during the summer, with prizes and awards
  • sponsorship of distance regattas in the southern Bay
  • multiple cruising options, including weekend jaunts and week-long (or more) trips
  • training, both stand-alone and incorporated into our monthly meetings
  • an annual banquet to change the guard, swear in the new officers, and celebrate another year of sailing
  • some of the best potluck events on the bay, with cooking and drink making competitions
  • an annual sock-burning party to celebrate the arrival of Spring

Monthly Meetings are held at 6:00 pm, usually on the third Tuesday of the month at different locations throughout Virginia Beach and Norfolk. Let us know if you want to come as a guest to a meeting and you are not yet a member. Upcoming meetings and events are listed on the website as well as in the Banter monthly newsletter.  Events

"Broad Bay Sailing Association" is a non-profit organization. Virginia Beach, VA 23454

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