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BBSA Burgee

broad bay sailing association


BBSA Annual Races & Regattas

BBSA Racing Calendar- Check out our full racing calendar

BBSA Sub-Groups

Members can also join and participate any of our racomg subgroups, who always welcome new skippers and crew.  Click on a link below for more information.  

Little Creek Racers - during the summer months, they race off Little Creek every Wednesday night.

Willoughby Racers - during the summer months, they race in Willoughby Bay on Thursday nights.  

Hobie Fleet 32 - organize multiple races off the beach in the summer.  

Upcoming race-related events

Racing Rules

All BBSA races are managed according to the US Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024.  To access these rules, you must be a member of US Sailing and you can find information about their rules app at:  US Sailing RRS.

You can also find the World Sailing Organization's rules for free at:  WSO RRS or check out our training site for Red Baron's RRS training notes.  

CBYRA Standard Entry Form

US Sailing Protest Form

One-Design Racing - BBSA organizes and supports multiple one-design races throughout the year.  

BBSA Summer Series - Check out our summer series for some great weekend competition.  

"Broad Bay Sailing Association" is a non-profit organization. Virginia Beach, VA 23454

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