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BBSA Burgee

Broad Bay Sailing Association

Serving the sailors of the Chesapeake Bay 

BBSA History

The Broad Bay Sailing Association was formed in 1958 by a group of sailors seeking informal racing on Linkhorn and Broad Bays in Virginia Beach in various types of small boats. To add a little spice to their endeavor they built or purchased a few 11-foot Penguins and 16-foot Comets which along with several Hampton One-Designs were the nucleus of the Broad Bay fleet. The emphasis was on Sunday afternoon racing, monthly meetings at the members’ homes, and numerous cookouts at the Narrows to which they generally sailed from points around Linkhorn and Broad Bays.

The social highlight of the year was the annual Awards Presentation and Change of Command Dinner in January of each year, a tradition that is still being followed.

In 1961 BBSA joined the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association and in June of that year held the first Broad Bay Regatta. Until 1964 the members did most of their racing on Sundays on Broad Bay with very few going off to other regattas. 1964 saw the low point of racing on Broad Bay; the Association attempting to hold Sunday afternoon races while more members were hitting the regatta circuit. And then a new breed arrived on the scene, the cruising type boats in the 25-foot range which could get under the bridges out to the Chesapeake.

By the late 1960’s the Sunday afternoon racing had disappeared, the One-Design sailors, who now included Shark Catamaran, Mobjack, Thistle, 505, and Sunfish skippers, were hard on the trail of the regatta circuit silver. Monday morning accounts of regatta activities were filled with the names of Broad Bay skippers who had won in their classes. While the One-Designers were busy gathering their silver, the Cruising types were holding informal races in Lynnhaven Roads and forming up cruises to other parts of the Chesapeake Bay.

Until 1974-5 there was a very well attended regatta schedule on the lower Chesapeake, with the Broad Bay Regatta being one of the premier events. In 1970 there were 175 boats racing in 14 classes on Broad Bay at one time! All hands turned out to host the skippers, their crews, and their families to two days of racing and a Saturday afternoon picnic/cookout which originally featured oysters and crabs and in the later inflationary years, hot dogs and hamburgers.

Gradually the Broad Bay Sailing Association evolved into the current day BBSA, with its racing fleets (Willoughby Bay, Little Creek Racers, and Hobie Fleet 32) and its large contingent of cruisers and day sailors. Big boat racing took on a whole new meaning with sponsorship of the Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup with its 2-day race to Cape Charles and back. Other distance races include the Cape Henry Cup, and Neptune Regatta. A good portion of the BBSA members cruise and race, while others stick to their chosen activity.

As the club has grown, we now focus on all types of sailors who want to do what they love best with a congenial group of friends. They also want to know more about sailing, so education and training have become a primary focus in the off months. With an active group of volunteers, we schedule many group cruises during the warmer months with something for everyone. We have members who continue in the group although they may not be sailing any longer or do not have boats. They attend membership meetings, training, events, and are always welcome as crew on the racing boats.

All are welcome who share a love of sailing. Check out the Membership page for details on how to join and start having fun.

BBSA Commodores

2024 Randy Goodman Sabre 38-2 WK
2023 Randy Goodman Sabre 38-2 WK
2022 Jim DiSomma Capri
2021 Stephanie Sweeney Crew
2020 Stephanie Sweeney Crew
2019 Eric Brinsfield Beneteau 473
2018 Guy Sorensen Pearson Flyer
2017 Jean Pattenaude Leopard 40 Catamaran
2016 Andy Spittler Hunter 44
2015 Bill Barnes Irwin 38
2014 Jim Currie Dehler 41
2013 Ronda Borberg-Shulenburg Beneteau 331
2012 Chip Jones Hunter 340
2011 David Hughes C&C 34
2010 Sergio Diehl Hunter 36
2009 Brendan Drinkwater Columbia 32
2008 Jerry Pattenaude Leopard 40 Catamaran
2007 Scott D. Almond Catalina 25
2006 Judith L. (Judy) Rose Cal 39
2005 James (Jim) Williams Catalina 38
2004 Michael J. A. (Mike) Nestor Cal 39
2003 Deborah (Debbie) Koelliker Crew
2002 James R. Jim Borberg Pearson 30
2001 Jim Desroches Gulf 32
2000 Doug Rose Cal 39
1999 Don E. Snyder Beneteau 321
1998 Larry D. Holt Catalac 34
1997 Mark Arnold Mobjack
1996 Tom A. Skanski Lagoon Catamaran 42
1995 Joe Sever Ranger 33
1994 George C. Trieber Gulfstar 41
1993 Bill R. Beach Ericson 38
1992 David D. (Dave) Baxter Ranger 33
1991 John W. (Jack) Ainslie Lancer 45
1990 E. R. (Randy) Pugh San Juan 28
1989 Robert A. (Bob) Hackett Catalina 34
1988 Robert H. (Bob) Ashburner Catalina 30
1987 John Jackson Catalina 25
1986 L. Graham Field Islander 36
1985 John Griffin Beneteau 42
1984 O. A. Paddy Knox San Juan 28
1983 Harvey Mcd. Williams Force 5
1982 John C. (Jack) Huenerberg Force 5
1981 Forrest Capps Catalina 25
1980 James R. (Jim) Borberg Pearson 30
1979 Kenneth R. (Ken) Johnson Tartan 41
1978 Kenneth R. (Ken) Johnson Ericson 29
1977 Harry L. Solomon Cal 2-29
1976 William J. (Bill) Jones Irwin 38
1975 J. David (Dave) Arnold Force 5 / Mobjack
1974 Conway M. Britton C&C 40
1973 Herman B. Smith Shark Catamaran
1972 Charles L. (Sonny) Smith Mobjack
1971 Walter M. (Walt) Stubbs Mobjack
1970 Davis L. (Dave) Brewer Columbia 28
1969 E. Page Preston Columbia 25
1968 Harvey Mcd. Williams Jollyboat
1967 Robert (Bob) Caverly Comberly 28
1966 Wesley B. (W.B.) Jones DDS Westerly
1965 Maurice B. (Maury) Jackson Penguin
1964 James (Jim) Brock Flying Dutchman
1963 John C. (Jack) Huenerberg Comet
1962 Charles A. (Charlie) Terry Comet
1961 Roy M. (Roy) Newton Hampton One Design
1961 Raymond (Ray) Fretz Comet
1960 James P. (Jim) Charlton MD Comet
1959 Fitzhugh (Hugh) Mayo MD Chesapeake 20

"Broad Bay Sailing Association" is a non-profit organization. Virginia Beach, VA 23454

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