Looking for a boat? Have a boat, looking for a crew member? Join us. We want to see you all on the water! No experience necessary~ And Skippers bring information about your boat~
We have opportunities for Broad Bay Sailing Association (BBSA) racing on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and weekends starting in April. Also, we have an extensive cruising calendar throughout the summer and fall. Skippers may be looking for crew. We always need help with the Race Committee duties, so find an opportunity to hop on a boat!
Come mingle and meet!
BBSA Crew / Skipper Match
Thursday, March 27, 2025
6:00 to 8:00 PM
Location at Rebel Marine outdoor Breezeway: 1553 Bayville St. Norfolk
Beer, wine and water provided. Tips appreciated.
When registering, please indicate whether you are:
BBSA's Broad Bay Regatta will be held on Saturday, June 28, 2025 followed on Sunday with the NYCC’s Wolcott Memorial Regatta. Each regatta will have separate awards presentations.
Details will be listed below:
For questions not covered in the NORs, contact: Debbie Koelliker at 414/412-0907 or
Details to be updated for 2025 soon...
BBSA's last race of the season, Neptune's Atlantic Regatta, is affiliated with Virginia Beach's Neptune Festival. Starting off Little Creek, racers transit the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, sail down the coast, and finish off 24th street. After a night of fun at the Festival, participants leave the event's complimentary Rudee Inlet dockage (which is on a first come, first served basis) and return home. This race is part of the Southern Bay Distance Racing Series (SBDRS).
Registration fee includes 2 free dinner tickets and 2 free t-shirts.
Skippers' Meeting is Thursday, September 26th at Rebel Marina. Details in the Notice of Race (link below).
Registration is closed.
For more information, use the following links. Links will be activated when they are ready:
"Broad Bay Sailing Association" is a non-profit organization. Virginia Beach, VA 23454