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Broad Bay Sailing AssociatioN

Cruise to York River Yacht Haven

  • Saturday, July 24, 2021
  • 9:30 AM
  • Sunday, July 25, 2021
  • 3:00 PM
  • York River Yacht Haven


Registration is closed

UPDATE 7/21/2021:  Due to a surprise health issue, Flight Risk will not be going to YRYH this weekend, but the cruise can proceed.  Gary and Meredith Coldren have agreed to serve as the lead boat in our place.  When you arrive, look for Lady Charlotte.  

Given the heat, we decided to set up a cruise to a marina where they offer power for air conditioning and a swimming pool.  Join us for a cruise up the York River to:

 York River Yacht Haven on 7/24 until 7/25

Cathy and I will sail up on Saturday morning. Please call the marina and make your own reservations.  804-642-2156  

Early arrivals can spend some time cooling off in the pool and then join everyone on the docks around 5:30 pm for appetizers and drinks of choice.  Please bring an appetizer to share.  You may want to bring a chair to sit on or a small table.  

The marina has a restaurant on site (York River Oyster Company), so you can eat at the restaurant or on your boat.  Depending on the number of attendees, we can decide to eat together or split up for smaller tables.  

Eric and Cathy Brinsfield 919-302-3747
s/v Flight Risk

"Broad Bay Sailing Association" is a non-profit organization. Virginia Beach, VA 23454

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