Sail to Doobie Brothers in Portsmouth July 3
Short Description: Get to see the Doobie Brothers on their 50th anniversary tour. LOL-It cannot be that long ago. Sail to Oceans Yacht Marina or Tidewater Yacht or anchor out at Hospital Point and join us aboard Aspire for pre and post -concert cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. BYOB and bring an hors d’oeuvre or munchy to share. Aspire will be docked at Ocean Yacht Marina starting on the afternoon of July 2. Folks are welcome to hang out on Aspire and listen to the concert. Some people will be attending the concert. Atlantic Union Bank Pavilion is where the band will play and is right next to Ocean Yacht Marina.
RSVP: YOU WILL NEED TO MAKE YOUR OWN ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE MARINA. Oceans has limited transient slips, but Tidewater Yacht says that they have plenty. Please send me an email if you plan to join this exciting cruise.
Destination(s): Oceans Yacht Marina and Tidewater yacht Marina or Hospital Point anchorage. Some boats may want to leave the marina on July 4 and anchor out in Willoughby or Little Creek areas to watch multiple fireworks displays from their boats.
Anchoring: Anchoring is available at Hospital Point, across from Norfolk Waterside. Dinghies can come ashore at Tidewater Yacht or Oceans Yacht. I would definitely frown upon swimming or paddle-boarding at the anchorage because of the water quality.
Social Activities: pre-and post-concert docktails on Aspire
What time will cruisers be getting together? Stop by Aspire any time. More organized plans to come.
There will be fireworks and entertainment at Waterside/ Norfolk waterfront on the 4th of you wish to stay.
Marina Contact Information:
Reservation Block Cutoff Date: please contact Marina directly
Let the marina know when you are coming and approximately how many boats are expected.
Cruisers: Mention you are with the BBSA when you make your reservations. If possible, we’ll try to get adjacent slips. You are responsible for making and/or canceling any reservations made in your name.
Tidewater Yacht has a pool. There are many restaurants nearby.
"Broad Bay Sailing Association" is a non-profit organization. Virginia Beach, VA 23454