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Broad Bay Sailing AssociatioN

Cruise: Slow Moving Northern Neck V1 - One Week

  • Saturday, June 10, 2023
  • Monday, June 12, 2023
  • Northern Neck

Slow Moving Northern Neck One Week Cruise V1 10-18 June

Welcome cruisers to our (Cindy, SparkE, Ginger & I) slow moving journey to the Northern Neck from Saturday June 10 - Sunday June 18.  If you do not desire to cover 50 nautical miles per day and want to stay longer than 23 hours in one spot...this may be the voyage for you?  Join us for the entire cruise or come/go as you please.  I do not anticipate access issues for your vessel at marina's (or anchorage) as we are well before the July 4th window.  Do not stress about BADDDAS'S (Bring A Dam Dish Drink Appetizer to Share) - Cindy refuses to plan more than 12 hours in advance, and she prefers to eat out as much as possible.  The plan is simple - we cruise safely together, enjoy the company of like-minded sailors and create life-long memories along the way!  Please see the float plan.  Let me know when you are joining our group.  If you have any questions, please ask at any time.  We are looking forward to sharing our summer holiday with you. 

Cindy Lee Hall & Eric Fee
(757) 876-5148

Tentative Float Plan:

  • 6/10 - Jackson Creek, Piankatank River
    (anchor or Fishing Bay Yacht Club, Deltaville Marina)
  • 6/11 - Jackson Creek
    (explore Deltaville)
  • 6/12 - Indian Creek, Fleets Bay
    (anchor or Indian Creek Yacht Club, Chesapeake Boat Basin)
  • 6/13 -Indian Creek
    (explore Kilmarnock, visit our friend Martin)
  • 6/14 - Pirates Beach (Little Bay), Antipoison Creek, Fleets Bay
    (anchor & dinghy to beach)
  • 6/15 - Broad Creek, Rappahannock River
    (Regatta Point Marina)
  • 6/16 - Broad Creek
    (enjoy pool, club house, BBQ & Deltaville)
  • 6/17 - Willoughby Bay or Home Port
    (anchor; dinghy to Fish House for dinner)
  • 6/18 - Back to Home Port

"Broad Bay Sailing Association" is a non-profit organization. Virginia Beach, VA 23454

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